‘Floating Garden’ - Wollongong Central
Acrylic paint, perspex panels
Large scale public art installation.
Commissioned by Wollongong Central and Ambush Gallery, Sydney.
With special thanks to Wollongong Central and Ambush Gallery.
This perspex kinetic sculpture installation draws inspiration from the traditions of still life painting, and the pressed botanical specimens found throughout natural history books. Captured in their prime, wild Australian orchids and tropical plants have been hand painted from both life and photographs taken by the artist.
Mimicking nature, each individual plant and flower interconnect to create a whole.
Top and below: Hanging installation viewed from bottom.
Victoria Garcia’s creation for Wollongong Central, named ‘Floating Garden’, reflects the ephemeral experience of being in nature. The suspended panels of the artwork float, shift and gently rotate, transforming the artwork with each passing moment, and providing a unique perspective from any angle.
The sculpture draws inspiration from the traditions of still life painting, and the preservation of botanical specimens in natural history books.
Left: Detail of individual painted installation panel on perspex.
Using a combination of her own photographs and drawing from life, Victoria has hand-painted the wild Australian orchids and tropical plants, ensuring individual plants and flowers mimic nature, and interconnect to create a whole.